
Kunci utama untuk sukses kuliah kamu..

      Whatsapp guys.. Assalamualaikum  everyone. Welcome back in my article and i hope you enjoyed when you read this article.. Oke today we are talking about the key for to be succes person .. According me for become like that.  We must menghormati our parents.  Everything yang they said must we patuhi and jalankan. 
     And actually everything your mother said with you nothing is bed. They always to remember you about you live.  You can remember when you begin make the mistake,  sure your parents will remembered  you,  your mother will advised you, and when you forget something your mother also remembered  you for that it's. And guys so you must remember all your Mother and father said. And you know actually of course when we studied,  we  can boring.  And sometime we feel lazy to studied. And so what we can do..?? Yeah you true we can remember while our parents working every day..  You see,  they are Yelena panasnya dinar Marsh's and you see they are bercucur keringat for what the all??   Yeah you know for our live... They are hard working everyday for membership all we needed.  For eat, for study.  So what reason else you give for lazy when you studied..  Actually very bad and Durham's kits terhadap Our parents, friends.. 
     Begin now you can try for become to be a good person.  The first for your self and your parents.  This article is my experience in my life.  And for you if you parents still until now you must make them proud to you.  Don't make them sad and cry.  Don't angry and Melawan with them. You understood them while they missundestand.  Because what..??  Because while you make mistake,  they always advise you without bore.. And friends don't forget to make they happy and smile always. And they are smile is our fighting and support from them is our song for the way our live.. Don't wait penyesalan fast you take past the purpose and planing again your live for become the good person.. While at it  your parents any until now guys..
    That all motivation from me ..i hope we same improve our live together. And same make out parent proud with us.  So guys open your planning with bismillah.
  See you next time guys.. Sorry if my write many wring in this article,  and I hope you understand..I Am still study. And one more don't forget to comment and give me suggestion for my article to be good.. Thanks guys for your attention. Wasallamualaikum. We wb.

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